Reach plc is the largest national and regional news publisher in the UK with a leading portfolio in Ireland. We create engaging, relevant content which is distributed through newspapers, magazines and digital platforms – playing a central role in our audiences’ daily lives. Our national and regional brands have a long heritage of being trusted sources of the latest news, information, sport and entertainment, offering a range of opportunities to connect brands with consumers. With one of the biggest monthly multi-platform audiences in the UK, Reach’s national and regional news brands are prominent champions, campaigners and changemakers.

Some 48 million people a month in the UK choose Reach for news, entertainment and sport. Through our Customer Value Strategy, we are getting even closer to our readers and users – and as of 27 July 2021 registrations are now at 6.7m. We have begun commercial trials with several brands offering more targeted marketing campaigns using our data and insights and during 2021 will be actively promoting our data-led campaigns to brands and agencies.


Converse goes against advertising norms and ignores typical behaviour triggers which drive ads personalisation. Converse instead focuses on providing the most relevant product or message to the context of the article, in a format that resembles as much a native editorial placement as possible.

For further information please contact: Reach Solutions

Sample Converse Widget

Mantis Recommender